“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.”

~ Robert Frost

With or without us, life goes on. Whether it’s been a crappy year or an amazing one, it goes on. No matter what happens, life goes on. So, as we contemplate this very challenging year, it can be tempting to let it go while shouting a few choice words, but maybe there’s a better way?

Watch the video below, or read the transcript that follows, and let me know your thoughts.

How has this happened people? We’ve almost reached the end of the year… and not just any year! If you think back to last December, I’m guessing your goals looking forward, didn’t include navigating a global pandemic and PIVOTING so many aspects of your life. It’s a reminder, if nothing else, that when faced with challenges, we can do hard things, and keep going despite.

Hey, Michelle Cederberg here, contemplating all that has transpired, what’s here for us right now, and what is possible in the year ahead. I’m about to take some time off for the holidays and wish to share one last message before I do.

I’m in the process of having The Success-Energy Equation made into an audio book. I asked a colleague of mine – a professional voice-over talent and broadcaster – to voice the book, and have spent the last couple of weeks listening to my words being read to me as she and I work to get the project finalized.

It’s an experience I’m grateful for, because anyone who has written a book knows, that after months and years of toiling through writing, edits, and rewrites, you become a bit separated from the content, and quite frankly, I had forgotten about a lot of the good things I wrote.

Through the listening, I was able to experience my book from start to finish, following my process as I’d laid it out for my readers, and in doing so, something quite remarkable happened. I gained insight from my own advice… so I’ve decided to take it. And it couldn’t come at a better time.

Here we are at the end of a truly Annus Horribilus, heading into a new year that’s not yet done with COVID, and every one of us has some decisions to make for how we’ll approach it. Including me.

The Success-Energy Equation sub-title is How to Regain Focus, Recharge Your Life, + Really Get Sh!t Done, which is what we all need to do right now. FOCUS + RECHARGE, so we can hit the new year with clarity and enthusiasm. I hope you’re with me on that.

This book is not only an accidental pandemic-survival guide, but it’s the right book to take us into the new year and into new plans for health, happiness and success. And that awareness has caused me to pause and ponder a few questions. Maybe you want to ask them to yourself?

How do I ring out the old? My first instinct has to been to say, “ADIOS 2020, you no good pandemic-filled, shit of a year!” But in saying that I realize that’s not what I believe. While it’s been a tough one for sure, there has also been an abundance of lessons, growth, resilience-building, and even positives.

Instead of looking back in disgust, take some time over the holidays to reflect on the gains, lessons and gratitudes this crazy year bestowed upon you.

What do I need for myself over the holidays? Let’s face it, the way we celebrate the season this year will be very different, especially if you’re living somewhere that’s under lockdown. What can you do to make it memorable all the same? Listen to your body and mind to tap into what you need for yourself, then do it.

I’ve got Zoom visits scheduled with my family and friends, my husband and I plan to ride our fat bikes, walk the dog, cook nice meals, and watch a lot of movies. And I plan to do some thinking about what’s next for Michelle Cederberg Speaking and Consulting… to regain focus and recharge my life … so when January hits, I’ll be ready to really get sh!t done at a higher level. Which brings me to the last question.

What will help make 2021 the best, most fulfilling year yet, with health, happiness, relationships, career … (let’s say it again) …COVID be damned?

NOW is the time to think about these things. NOW is the time to reflect, appreciate and plan. And, NOW is the time to also enjoy a bit of holiday fun and relaxation, because a recharged mind is a creative and productive one.

What could that look like for you? Share your thoughts in the comments.

As I mentioned earlier, I will be taking some time off. These messages will be on pause until the new year as I rejig some of my behind-the-scenes systems, strategize the best ways to get my message out there, and figure out how to bring the best possible value to you my dear clients, past-audience members, and friends.

While my posts may be less frequent for a while they won’t go away entirely. Follow me on Instagram to get snippets of my life beyond work (with a bit of work mixed in), or Twitter for short and sweet tips and thoughts. AND, if you haven’t already done so, consider picking up a copy of my new book via Amazon, or for a signed copy via successenergybook.com.

I’m not just saying this to sell books. I truly believe this book is a guide for these times, and I promise you an easy read that is guilt-free and empowering. If you’ve already read the book and you liked it, please share your thoughts about it in the comments, so the others will know I’m not making this stuff up! And, go post a review on Amazon.

Until next time, I’m Michelle Cederberg reminding you we’ve got one chance to do this life, I say Dare to Live It Big, and dare to believe that you can make the year ahead an abundant, fulfilling and prosperous one.

However you celebrate, and whoever you celebrate with, I wish you the very best for the holiday season, and a very Happy New Year.

Carpe Freakin’ Annum…one freakin’ diem at a time.

To purchase your copy of The Success-Energy Equation: How to Regain Focus, Recharge Your Life, and Really Get Sh!t Done visit Amazon, or for a signed copy go to successenergybook.com.

Turns out it’s an accidental pandemic survival guide that will help you focus on what’s truly important for you in work and life …global health crises or not.



It may be awhile until we can all gather safely in large groups, but that doesn’t mean your team doesn’t still need training, education and even inspiration. I’ve set up a home studio, and have been providing online sessions since April that are tech-sound, fun and interactive!

If your organization needs a break from the work-from-home routine to learn how to boost resilience, work-life balance and productivity, reach out to chat about my engaging online sessions!


Michelle Cederberg, CSP, MKin, BA Psyc

Empowering today’s dreamers, leaders and go-getters to create the life and career they want.


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