“Tell the negative committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut-up.”

~ Ann Bradford


You know the committee, don’t you. It chirps about the weather, how busy you are, how much help you’re not getting, how you should go to the gym, how you should work harder … at everything… blah, blah, BLAH! Can you relate?

I’m in the middle of book rewrites and presentation prep so in my busyness I’m rebooting the video below. I chose it partly because I need to hear it, and partly because I miss my Lilly-dog and it’s nice to see her face. 🙂

It’s about getting past stinkin’ thinkin’. These days with the craziness in the news, the endless winter, and general life busyness, maybe you need the reminder as much as I do.

Watch the video below, or read the transcript that follows …and get to success!

Hey, Michelle Cederberg here once again with my lovely Lilly-Dog on a morning walk, admittedly feeling a little bit … grumpy. You can see I’m dressed like it’s freakin’ winter, (and it’s only August) and I’ve been feeling the last couple of days, this kind of “ugh!” Summer’s ending and I’m not very productive, and I’m not very motivated to do the things I know I need to do.

Have you ever felt like that, where stinkin’ thinkin’ halted your positivity and your productivity? Well, here’s three things that I want you to think about to get back on track for positivity:

Number one: Focus on something that you love, focus on something that makes you happy, and focus on something positive. Get some exercise, read something that lifts you up, or spend some time in the company of your pet.

For me, after my dog walk, I’m going to my favourite coffee shop with my laptop, and I’m going to do some writing in a place where there’s buzz and vibrancy, and I’ll probably have something nice to eat and a good cup of coffee. Focus on something that lifts you up.

Number two: Get grateful. When we get into the stinkin’ thinkin’ headspace, it’s really easy to let all that grey energy suck us even further down, and that’s not what you need right now. So, focus on three things that you are grateful for.

This cold weather sucks because I’m not ready for summer to be done. I totally could stay in that “ugh it’s too soon” kind of headspace, but I’m choosing to focus on the fact that I’m grateful that it rained because we absolutely needed this to dampen the forest fires. And, the cool wind that is making it chilly right now is blowing all that smoke away. The sun will return. Get grateful!

Go to my friend Steve Foran’s website at gratitudeatwork.ca and sign up for his morning gratitudes. I absolutely love them. Every morning I get to share three things that I’m grateful for, and read what other people are grateful for. Talk about a perspective shift!

And finally, when you’re trying to get rid of stinkin’ thinkin’, ask yourself: “Do I need to H.A.L.T.?”

Are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired, and is that impacting your mindset? Is that screwing with your head space?

If you haven’t had enough to eat, you’re going to get grumpy.

If you’re holding on to some resentment from someone or something, it’s going to suck your energy dry.

If you’ve been spending too little time with people that you love, or you’ve been spending too much time working in isolation, and you’re a social person, that’s not going to be good for your happy factor.

Or, and are you tired? Most of us don’t get enough sleep, and if you’re chronically letting your zzzs skip out the back door, then you might need to need to stop and give yourself some rest. Maybe you need a nap, or maybe you need better sleep hygiene.

H.A.L.T. Think about the things that you can do to be more positive – even in small steps –  so you can be more productive throughout your day.

I’m going to quit complaining about the weather because you know, another thing I’m grateful for is that I really like this jacket, and I get to wear my foxy hat, and … the sun will return. No matter how crappy you may feel in the instant, it never lasts. And you have the capacity to make every day just a little bit better, with a little shift in attitude.

I’m Michelle Cederberg with Lilly Dog, eating rocks once again (wasn’t she doing that last week?). Check in regularly by subscribing to my Social Media channels below, and until next time, you’ve got one chance to make this life a good one. Dare to live it big.

Michelle Cederberg, CSP, MKin, BA Psyc

Empowering today’s dreamers, leaders and go-getters to create the life and career they want.


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