“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

~ Margaret Mead

Yup, things are a bit challenging across the planet right now, and if you’re like me, you’re self-isolating to the best of your ability, and processing the hour-by-hour situation that is Covid-19. It’s enough to make you go crazy.

Please don’t. We’ll get through this if we stay calm and use common sense. Every small action you take to prevent the spread of this disease will go a long way to ending it sooner. Never doubt that.

I’m at home in my PJs so I thought I would share a bit of ‘Pajama Perspective’ as part of your myriad #covidcoping options. Watch the video below for what I have to say (or read the transcript that follows), and then share in the comments below how you’re staying healthy and positive right now. #simpleselfcare #selfisolationsanitysaver #wecandothis #staywell

Hey there, Michelle Cederberg here, hanging out at home like so many of you processing this Covid-19 craziness. I have had most of my speaking engagements canceled through May. I find myself with a great deal of time on my hands and a lot of time to think. I’m sure that you can relate.

If you are out there working, I’m hoping that you’re doing your best to stay healthy and safe and making common sense decisions. If you’re a healthcare worker, thank you for everything that you’re doing. And wherever else you find yourself, I do hope that you’re managing this time as best you can. And I want to share a few thoughts.

In this first week especially, as we’re all processing the hourly changes that are coming at us around the globe, be kind and gentle to yourself. Fear and anxiety are completely normal emotions to be feeling right now and depression is not unlikely if you don’t take proper care of yourself. I say listen to your head and your heart.

I admit that I haven’t been very productive this week. I have been doing a lot of processing. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. My husband and I have been just talking about what is and what will be. And I think that there are steps that we need to take in this first week to just listen to what we need for ourselves. If that’s a nap, then take the nap. And if you feel like sitting and watching Netflix then do that.

I will also say – especially if this lasts – that social distancing shouldn’t mean isolation and it shouldn’t mean that we stop taking care of ourselves. It’s very easy when we’re hanging out at home and feeling bad about the state of affairs that we start eating differently, drinking more, forgoing exercise, and isolating ourselves from human connection. Social distancing doesn’t need to mean zero human connection. So here’s some suggestions that I have for you.

The first of course, is to make those common sense decisions about your health. I’m not going to repeat them because you know what you need to do. Especially if you’re feeling unwell. Then I say connect daily with people; by phone, by Zoom, through messages. Every single day this week I’ve been spending time on the phone talking to people I haven’t talked to for a while, and talking to them longer than I normally would because I’m normally too busy. And it’s been a wonderful opportunity to just check in with how they’re doing and having conversations about how I’m doing … and wow, it’s great. So reach out to your family, to friends, to colleagues, even if it’s a quick text message to see how they’re doing. It’s amazing how it makes you feel.

Next, move daily. If you’re not comfortable going outdoors, then stay indoors. Dance in your kitchen, run up and down your stairs, go into your backyard, breathe fresh air. But if you’re feeling well and you have the opportunity, I say, get out to a park, get out to wide open spaces. Mother nature is very good at social distancing.

My husband and I have been pulling out our fat bikes every afternoon and heading out to ride for an hour or more. There aren’t many people out in the parks and where we ride. A friend of mine has been calling it, four-out-the-door because at 4 o’ clock she and her husband and young son go out and get some exercise. So move daily because wow, if you’re stuck indoors or if you’re off of your normal routine, the best thing you can do is to move, so you feel better and more energized, and I will also say more hopeful. I feel better every time I come back from my rides.

And then use the rest of your time purposefully. I know I said to listen to your head and heart and if you feel like you need to binge Netflix, you should do that. But, I also believe that part of every day can be used in some productive way. I’ve started to organize my closets. I’m also going to be creating a new speaker demo over the next couple of weeks. I’m also using this time to continue the process of book publication for book number two. (I’ve now come up with the title, which I’m going to reveal it in the weeks to come. I changed it and I’m quite excited!)

Now is also the time to do the things that we don’t have time to do when life is coming at us from all directions. Things are a little quieter on the home front. I know it’s a bit chaotic out in the world, but at home, do one thing every day that makes you feel like you’ve been productive. And I’ll say it (I know, I wasn’t going to say it), be health aware. If you’re sick, don’t go out. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face. You know the drill!

And here’s one final suggestion: We’re all going to be spending an awful lot more time on social media. I know I have been. Some of the posts I read really fill me with hope and joy and some of them really make me feel sad. I don’t think now is a time to be using our social media platforms to shame people for the decisions that they’re making. A decision that someone makes in one hour may not be reasonable an hour later. We’re all just figuring things out as we go, so instead of shame or guilt or judgment, let’s use love and tactfulness.

And, if you have something you want to share with somebody regarding their behaviour, perhaps take that message offline. Now is the time for calm, and support, and positivity. And on that note, because I’m stuck at home and you may be too I would like to make a couple of offers:

Connect with me for laser one-on-one coaching either to help you process all that is going on, or to help you focus your time and energy on productive work that is meaningful to you. I’m offering pretty great rates for 30 minutes sessions for at least the next two months.

Book a webinar or zoom session for you and your co-workers that will provide you with health and stress management strategies, plus an opportunity to connect, learn and laugh.

Connect with me via the links below and hopefully we can get through this together. Also, share with me the ways that you are creatively getting through Covid. How are you making the most of self-isolation? What positive things are you doing to make a difference? We will get through this.

We’ve got one chance to do this fabulous life. I say Dare to Live it Big, and in these unprecedented times, dare to do it with common sense and health on your mind. Looking forward to spending time out in the public again speaking, teaching classes and getting hugs from people, but until then, stay well.

Michelle Cederberg, CSP, MKin, BA Psyc

Empowering today’s dreamers, leaders and go-getters to create the life and career they want.


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