Hey, thanks for reading my article in Spotlite on Women in Agriculture. Below you’ll find the link to my Assessing Autopilot Exercise along with a few other exciting bonuses you may be interested in. ENJOY!
Download my Assessing Autopilot BONUS to determine how much, and under what circumstances you’re operating on autopilot…and what to do about it.
Beyond reading the tips I share in the article you will gain even more information from my new book, The Success-Energy Equation: How to Regain Focus, Recharge Your Life, and Really Get Sh!t Done.
So, as a special AWC Spotlite bonus, if you buy my new book via www.successenergybook.com, (or Amazon, Kindle, Audible) then email your proof of purchase to success@michellecederberg.com I will send you a downloadable ‘Getting Sh!t Done’ companion workbook, a $20 value, for FREE…as well as the Introduction and Chapter 1 of the book (if you buy the hard copy version), so you can dig in right away!
And, why not sign up for my FREE 6 Day Work-Life Reset while you’re here. It’s a short, impactful, email-based mini-program that helps you get clear about what’s important to you now, and as we head into a post-pandemic world. Did I mention it’s free?
Finally, sign up for my social media channels at the bottom of this message, and reach out to me if you would like information on coaching, or to book a presentation for your team.
Have a great day!
For more than seventeen years, Michelle Cederberg has captivated audiences across North America with her empowering and humorous messages about how to set worthwhile goals and get energized for success—in business and in life.
An in-demand coach, consultant, author and Certified Speaking Professional, she believes that personal and professional success is directly influenced by how well we harness the physical, mental, and emotional capacity we each have within us. She helps people boost that capacity, so they gain clarity, build confidence, and create the discipline to do the freakin’ work.
Cederberg holds a master’s in kinesiology, a BA in psychology, and a specialization in health and exercise psychology. She is a Certified Exercise Physiologist, a Certified Professional Co-Active Life Coach, and an ORSC-Trained Team Coach. She truly combines mind, body, and practicality to inspire change. In addition to The Success-Energy Equation, she is the author of Energy Now! Small Steps to an Energetic Life.
Michelle Cederberg, CSP, MKin, BA Psyc
Empowering today’s dreamers, leaders and go-getters to create the life and career they want.
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