“The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.”

~ Josiyah Martin

Maybe I’m talking about Spring, or maybe I’m talking about the tiny steps we’re making toward ‘life after Covid’, but either way, new beginnings are worth celebrating. Even small ones.

It’s been an especially long winter…perhaps because it lead straight into pandemic protection measures and what has felt like months of self-isolation (Oh wait, it has been months of self-isolation). Well, if you’ve weathered this at all like me, you spent more time than usual bundled up on the sofa watching movies or streaming Netflix or napping. It happens at the best of times, but Covid-hunkering-down has brought on a whole new level of couch potato. As the weather begins to improve I’m ready for a change and I hope you are too.

Watch the video below and then read the blog that follows (different content). There is no transcript for this one because the video is too fun NOT to watch (you’ve got time). It’s captioned (and only 2.5 minutes), so watch, laugh and share. It’s worth it!

Spring is the perfect time for a health recharge, an energy reboot; to set aside the sofa habit and look for more outdoors…physically distanced of course. What could that look like for you?

It could be as simple as more time outside, breathing in Mother Nature. Take a walk on your work breaks. Heck, TAKE your work breaks. Plan some fun after-dinner activities with your family. Show your bicycle some love, or go explore a nearby park. Outside is okay.

Whatever you do, don’t let the sofa take part. It’s had enough of your attention over the last several months. For a bit of ‘spring cleaning’ for yourself, watch this video and do the exercise:
Video: Existential Spring Clean
Exercise: Simple Work-Life Rethink www.michellecederberg.com

Back in 2011 my photographer husband Ewan Nicholson added videography to his offerings, and we created a series of videos together to help him learn the craft. Such fun. No matter how many videos I’ve created since 2011, this one will always be a favourite. It’s Spring time, so it’s the right time of year to have that hard conversation with your sofa, and get outside for some physically-distanced fresh air and exercise. Covid be damned!  

Michelle Cederberg, CSP, MKin, BA Psyc

Empowering today’s dreamers, leaders and go-getters to create the life and career they want.


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