“A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world.”

~ Paul Dudley White


Believe it!

Physical activity of any kind can boost your spirit faster than any pill. A good dose of fresh air will clear away the cobwebs more quickly than idle problem solving. Your emotional health is heightened with every effort to boost your physical health. So, what’s stopping you from taking care of you?

Start with 10 minutes, but start okay? Don’t over think it. There’s no wrong way to move. Just put on some shoes and walk around the block…on your lunch break, after work, after dinner…pick a time and get to it. Already active? try something new or push yourself just a bit.

Spring is a great time for a fresh start. If it feels good (and it will), do it again tomorrow. You can improve your health in small steps, and it’s about time don’t you think? Walk on!

Energy Now Tip #64: Park a few blocks away from your destination and walk. Don’t eat on the run. Sit and savor so you can relax and avoid overeating. Instead of coffee when you’re tired, have a glass of water. (Chapter 2 – The Energy Now! Philosophy, pg. 53 Energy Now!)


Energy TV: More reasons to make walking a major part of your health and well-being. Walking and the 5 Dimensions of Wellness


Energy NEWS

1) I’m away from April 4th – 25th (getting married). Through the wonders of modern technology you’ll still get weekly e-spiration messages from me, and daily Energy Now! tips via Twitter (follow me @MCederGOTTOIT if you’re not already on the list!).

And if you’re wondering about my speaking availability for May, June and beyond you can email my assistant Tanya at admin@michellecederberg.com and she’ll gather details so I can respond to you right away once I return.

2) Want 1-on-1 Coaching with Michelle? Try a free sample session, and when you sign on for coaching get a free copy of If Your Life Sucks…. Email me for details!

3) If Your Life Sucks* mini-book now available as a KINDLE – Click here to purchase and as a KOBO – Click here to purchase . Energy Now! should also be available as an e-reader now too so check your favorite on-line bookstore for that one too!

Michelle Cederberg, Certified Speaking Professional
MKin, BA Psyc, CEP, Co-Active Coach

Helping people with full schedules and a long list of responsibilities maximize their personal energy to optimize productivity, health and happiness.

Follow me on Twitter: @MCederGOTTOIT
Like my Facebook Page: Michelle Cederberg: Energy NOW
Watch my You Tube Energy TV channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MCederGOTTOIT
Connect with me on LinkedIn: Michelle Cederberg, CSP