“Sprinkle joy.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Be the one who leaves people better than you found them . Be the one who smiles at everyone you meet. Be the one who remembers to say Thank you even when you’re in a hurry. Be the one who offers a simple bit of appreciation, a compliment, a hug to the people around you who need a boost.

It’s not about spending a lot of time or money. It’s not about pretending to be happy when you’re not. It is a little bit about focusing on the good parts of your day instead of complaining about and regurgitating the lousy parts. And maybe it’s about allowing the good parts – the gratitude – to wash away the gray just a little bit?

You get to choose how each day unfolds. Make it a good one. Sprinkle joy.


ENERGY TV: What do you want for yourself in 2013 and beyond? Really think about that and then take 90 seconds to watch my new video and gain energy and inspiration for what’s next.

Explore, dream, discover (BIG) and then think small to execute. I’m with you!