In today’s fast-paced and competitive work environment it’s important to stand out and make an impact for yourself and those you serve…and stay healthy and motivated along the way. It’s clear then that abundant energy is at the core of excellence in work and in life. Without it your enthusiasm and output will be poor, and with more of it your passion and productivity will soar!
Health and Productivity Expert Michelle Cederberg believes that when you’re Energized for Excellence you show up as a leader and strive for success in all you do. You take on new challenges, and better manage stress. You feel great about yourself and your capabilities. What’s possible from there?
This session draws on information from her popular book Energy Now! Small Steps to an Energetic Life. Michelle has developed a keynote presentation as well as workshop sessions to help your team integrate the important information in this innovative book.
The keynote session can be presented on its own or as the opener to a half or full day session that allows for an in-depth exploration of the book.
Michelle also customizes this topic for specific audiences.
Download the full keynote description here:
Energized for Excellence keynote
Download a full list of Michelle’s sessions here:
2016 Session Descriptions Michelle Cederberg
Download customized descriptions here:
Health and Safety Session Descriptions Michelle Cederberg