Welcome back to Dream BIG, think small. In my last post, I talked about resolutions, why they don’t work, and what you can do to find better success.

If you haven’t read Part Two of this series, I encourage you to do so!

It’s still early in the year, and you’ve got plenty of time to hit that “reset button” in order to find success with your goals.

Today I am excited to talk about goal-setting. You’re probably familiar with so-called “S.M.A.R.T.” goals. Well, I actually think smart goals are pretty dumb!

Why? Because it’s hard to get excited about specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-based goals.

In a word: BORING!

It’s good in theory, but really quite uninspiring. And if your goals mean anything to you, don’t you want to wrap them in possibility and excitement? I think you do!

As part of expanding my reach I’ve teamed up with www.weightlossexercisediet.com. To read the rest of this blog and watch the video click the link:  Goal-Setting and Success:  The ART in SMART!

And if you’re interested, my book Energy Now! Small Steps to an Energetic Life is available here.