Last week I shared a number of great reasons to drink more water. It prompted many of you to let me know you started doing just that.  Nice work.

This week I’m sharing more fantastic reasons to drink up, as well as tips and info that will get you further motivated to stay good and hydrated.

That Healthy Glow
Water is one way to a better complexion.  Proper hydration makes it possible for water to move through all the membranes of your body so that the largest organ in the body, your skin, is quenched with moisture.  Skin texture softens, the natural aging process is slowed, wrinkles diminish and sagging skin tightens.  When you’ve got water who needs Botox?

Wondrous Weight Management
As far as I’m concerned, water is one of the best tools to aid weight loss for four fabulous reasons:

1) When you start drinking more water there’s a good chance you’ll drink fewer high-calorie drinks like soda, juice or even alcohol.  If you consider that the average 355 ml (12 oz.) can of soda, orange juice or bottle of beer each have around 140 to 150 calories you only need to forgo two of these beverages per day in favor of water, and in less than two weeks you’ll be one pound lighter on the scale.

2) For over 30% of North American’s the thirst mechanism in the body is so weak that when we’re feeling thirsty we mistake that feeling for hunger and we eat instead of having water. Once you start drinking adequate amounts of H2O your thirst mechanism smartens up. It resets itself so that hunger is no longer confused with thirst thereby eliminating consumption of those unnecessary calories. The obvious benefit; weight loss!

3) If you’re trying to manage your weight through eating less, water can operate as a great appetite suppressant. Craving a bite when you know you don’t need it? Drink a tall, cool glass of water. One glass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study. It has no fat, no calories, no carbs and no sugar and when your stomach is full of water, you’ll feel less hungry.

4) Even mild dehydration will slow down your metabolism by as much as 3%. This means your body will burn calories more slowly than it should and you run the risk of storing extra calories as fat.

Drink more water and burn baby, burn!

More Energy
ack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.  Dehydration can very quickly sap your energy and make you feel tired.  Even mild dehydration of as little as 1 or 2 percent of your body weight can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness and other symptoms – all of which will impact your productivity and enthusiasm for what is going on around you.

Imagine how that fatigue will affect your eagerness for getting active.  Since physical fitness is a sure-fire energizer double your efforts by drinking energizing water so you have energy for energizing exercise.  Say that six times fast!

“So how do I know if I’m dehydrated?”

Signs of dehydration aren’t always obvious.  You probably have days where you rush around on little or no sleep, maybe you had a few drinks last night, perhaps your muscles are tired from carrying those boxes or it could be that you don’t know what energetic and healthy feels like so this is normal for you.  Uh oh!  We need to do something about this!  Symptoms of dehydration can include:

  • Mild to excessive thirst
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Little or no urination
  • Muscle weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness

If you’re experiencing any or all of these symptoms on a regular basis get yourself to a water fountain ASAP!  There is a good chance you’re dehydrated and it’s time to start bathing your body cells in the wonderful water they’re screaming for.

On a slightly more serious note, it’s important to mention that the above symptoms can also be signs of other more serious ailments.  You know your body better than any one else.  If you think you’re dehydrated, drink up and see if you start to feel better.  If you have doubts about your health it’s always good to consult with a doctor or medical professional to be sure.

Alright, but how much water should I drink every day?”

Most basic rules of water consumption suggest you drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day (2 litres).  These one-size-fits-all recommendations are much like the information we get from the basic food guides – general guidelines that will give safe information to the masses.  Since many of us are already dehydrated a general 8 cup recommendation represents a safe bet for getting back on track, but if you want a more accurate estimate that takes into account your body weight, you’ll have to do some math.

Here’s an option to consider:

Weight in pounds divided by two equals the number of ounces of water you should drink daily.

i.e. If you weigh 170 lbs:

170 ÷ 2 = 85 ounces of water per day.

85 ounces is about 10.5 cups or just over 2.5 liters of water! Hmmm, that’s a bit more than the 8 cup a day recommendation we’re familiar with.

Checks and balances

Here are three things you can monitor to make sure you continue to stay hydrated every day.

Am I thirsty?

Well, this one is an obvious one, but if you’re thirsty I don’t want you to ignore it anymore.  If you’re feeling thirsty it’s too late.  You’re already heading toward dehydration so it’s ‘situation critical’ to top up on those hydrating fluids!

What color is my pee?

Yeah, you read correctly.  If you want to stay hydrated you need to become a bowl watcher.  Once you’re done going #1 look to see for the color of your pee.  If it’s a dark yellow color and has a strong odor you haven’t been drinking enough water.  If you’ve been drinking enough water your urine will be light yellow or clear in color.  Nice work!

Pay attention to volume as well.  If you do not produce much urine throughout the day and it is dark in color, you likely need more fluids.

How am I feeling?

If you feel light-headed and tired, unable to concentrate or are experiencing frequent headaches, pay attention! These could be signs that you’re dehydrated.

8 glasses per day and you’re on your way.

Calculate for clarity.

– Add on when you’re active.

Pay attention to the signs.

Hey, you’re on your way!


My GOT TO IT Accountability journal helped me realize I was being less productive (and more dehydrated) than I needed to be.  Use it to plan and track small daily self-care steps in your physical activity, healthy eating, even how much water you drink.

I take 2-3 minutes each morning to plan my day, and that way I remember to keep myself on my priority list.

If you’d like to view sample pages click here

To order your copy today click here

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