“I’m looking forward to the future, which is a good thing, because it’s coming.”

~ James W. Loewen


The end is near my friend. Do you sense it? And, when the pandemic finally releases its hold on our lives, will you be ready to step forward with focus and energy? I hope so.

At the same time, there’s a lot to process as we exit almost two years of pandemic-restricted living and learn how to re-engage with a world that has changed so much. We have too, haven’t we?

Well, this week, before I head off on my first real holidays since early 2020, I wanted to share information about my soon-to-be-released online program, coming this fall. It will help you refocus and recharge, using my new book as your guide. I share more details in the video below, or you can read the transcript that follows.

It’s coming my friends. Let’s make the most of it!


Hey, Michelle Cederberg here, hoping you’re having a fantastic summer. If you’re new to following me, I’m a Health and Productivity Expert, Professional Speaker and Coach, and author of Energy Now and my newest book The Success-Energy Equation: How to Regain Focus, Recharge Your Life, and Really Get Sh!t Done.

I am ramping up towards taking summer holidays at the end of this week…the first real holidays that my husband and I have taken in the last 16 months, so things are a bit chaotic over here. But, before I leave, I wanted to share a bit of preliminary information about my new online program, coming this fall. I’ve created The Success-Energy School to help you REFOCUS and RECHARGE …not just as we come out of summer and into back-to-work in the fall, but also as we emerge from the pandemic toward POST-PANDEMIC life, and a world that is very different. There’s a lot of question marks… a lot of uncertainty… a lot of, “What now, what next?”

Think about all that you’ve gone through since the start of 2020 – with work (or lack of it), with family, with how you socialize, school your kids, shop, exercise… with everything. And, it’s all changing now, some for the good, some for the who knows what. I’ve personally experienced big changes in most of those areas, and I’m sure you have too. With that comes a great deal of uncertainty. Because of that, what was true for you at the start of all this, may not be true anymore, and you may need to check in with yourself about what’s really important right now.

Maybe you’ve navigated all of it like a boss, and not much changed for you, but everything around you has. What do you do with that?

Or maybe you’re like me and you’re excited about what’s coming next, but you need to get clear about how to best reengage with the world, and what work and life looks like in it? There is no shame in being unclear about what the future looks like, especially now.

So, what IS The Success-Energy School?

It IS a program that is based on my new book The Success-Energy Equation: How to Regain Focus, Recharge Your Life, and Really Get Sh!t Done (I just really like saying that).

It is NOT a book club. It’s better.

The Success-Energy School is a 7-module weekly class that will use my book as a guide to help you set goals that align with who you are, and what you need for yourself right now in your work and your life.

I want to help you step out of pandemic fatigue /fog /uncertainty (whatever you want to call it), and truly embrace the new opportunities and your reclaimed freedom that is coming your way in a truly meaningful way.

What could that look like for you? I’m pretty darn excited, I’m also a bit uncertain. Perfectly okay.

The program includes 6 modules with videos where I share Success-Energy info and insights, an e-book copy of The Success-Energy Equation, a downloadable workbook, and an online live Zoom session WITH ME to close out the program, discuss you’re insights, and address your questions.

There will also be a platform where we can connect online to chat between sessions.

You’ll also have the option to include one-on-one coaching with me at one-time-only, unbelievable rates. It’ll blow your mind.

Introductory rates for the school begin for as little as $45 per session, so not only is the program transformational, it’s affordable.

There will be more information coming your way in the weeks ahead, (I need to take my holidays first), but I wanted to plant the seed now, so you makes plans to join me in September, and maybe share the idea with a friend or two, and you can work through it all together.

Right now, be sure to follow me on Instagram @cederbergspeaks, or via your favourite social channel below. And, if you know right now that you want to sign up for the school, send me an email at hello@michellecederberg.com and I’ll put you on my ‘first to know’ list.

Until next time, I’m Michelle Cederberg, reminding you we’ve got one chance to so this life, I say Dare to Live It Big, and dare to embrace post-pandemic life in a wild and wonderful way. The Success-Energy School will help.

Connect with me to chat about engaging virtual (or dare I say in-person) sessions for your team to boost resilience, manage stress and drive success, for post-pandemic productivity. And check out my virtual speaker demo here.

To purchase your copy of The Success-Energy Equation: How to Regain Focus, Recharge Your Life, and Really Get Sh!t Done visit Amazon, or for a signed copy go to successenergybook.com. OR, contact me about bulk order discounts for your whole team! It’s also available as an audiobook wherever you download!

Stay tuned for my new ONLINE Refocus & Recharge program using this book as your guide!


Michelle Cederberg, CSP, MKin, BA Psyc

Empowering today’s dreamers, leaders and go-getters to create the life and career they want.
