“Act happy, feel happy, be happy, without a reason in the world. Then you can love, and do what you will.”

~ Dan Millman

It sounds trite to say happiness is a choice, but it is. You may roll your eyes when I say that it is truly found within, but it’s that simple. If you don’t love yourself, happiness won’t be found through material possessions, validation from others, or even love from others.


I wasted a lot of years and felt a lot of disappointment seeking happiness through people, places, and possessions when all along my happiness was staring at me every time I looked in the mirror. Hey good lookin’!


Practice gratitude – especially if you’re having a bad day. Say something nice to yourself, say thank-you more often, smile more, buy a clown nose. Create happiness for yourself. Practice it, act as if, and do what you love. Are you happy now?


Michelle Cederberg, CSP | MKin, BA Psyc, CEP

Helping people with full schedules and a long list of responsibilities maximize their personal energy so they can optimize success

Speaker, Consultant, Co-Active Coach, Author


The sun’s out! Ask me about summer life coaching that includes fitness and lifestyle guidance (+ a free GOT TO IT journal). Email me for details!