“I didn’t get there by wishing for it or by hoping for it, but by working for it.”
~ Estee Lauder

If you want it, you have work for it. And anything worth working for will require regular doses of discipline, not just when you feel like it. What do you want, and what do you do to create an environment that will support your success? Results don’t happen by accident, so quit wishing and hoping, and start doing.

Hey, Michelle Cederberg here in the wilds of Campbell River on a Monday morning with my twin sister Christine, and we are going on an early morning ride. It’s not quite 8:00.

So this week I want to talk to you about discipline. Discipline to do the things that you know you need to do to get the results that you want. And anything that you want, the goals that you have, whether it be health, or saving money, or building some aspect of your career, will require discipline.

We don’t always want to do the things that we know we need to do (Christine: truth, I’d rather be at home reading my book on the couch right now) and drinking coffee, but we’ll do that afterwards.

Watch the video below, or read the rest of the transcript that follows… and then get to work!

I’ve been on Vancouver Island for the last 5 days visiting family, I’m flying home this afternoon, and we wanted to get a chance to ride together. Just the two of us (no nephew, her son, no hubby,) just sister time. And the only time we could fit that in was (Christine: this morning.)

Michelle: Do you often ride in the morning?

Christine: in the summertime yes, because I’m a teacher.

Michelle: Yes, she gets this time off. And the best thing about exercising first thing in the morning…

Christine: To get it over with.

Michelle: Get it over with. Get it out of the way. It’s going to be a hot day today, and so we’re also beating the heat. It’ll be barely 9:00 and we’ll be having our second cup of coffee, celebrating the fact that the exercise is done. Plus, it’s gorgeous out here!!

So here’s the thing about discipline. Whatever it is that you want for yourself, you do need to create an environment for success. So last night we didn’t have any wobbly pops, had a healthy dinner, hung out, and we went to bed early. We both got great sleeps, and woke up early ready to go.

It’s essential to create a healthy environment around the things that you need to do. You’re not going to be able to crush your goals if you’re staying up late, drinking too much, eating the wrong foods, and feeling like crap. So get to sleep early. Use health as a driver of the habits and discipline that you need to get ‘er done.

Plus we kind of set ourselves up yesterday for getting this done. We made sure we had all our stuff ready, we planned what time, we planned where, and here we are, not quite 8:00, and we’re getting ready to hit the day.

What do you need to do for yourself this week with your goals, and how can you create an environment for success so that you’re disciplined to conquer? You’re not going to beat the distraction devil on your shoulder so you might as well outwit him.

Ok, so until next time, I’m Michelle Cederberg reminding you that your goals are up to you. You can create discipline to do the things that you don’t want to do so you can get the results that you want.

Let’s go! Let’s do this!

And as always, don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube so you don’t miss a video,  check out my Facebook, share this video with anybody who needs a good kick in the butt with their goals.

Until next time, over and out!

Michelle Cederberg, CSP, MKin, BA Psyc

Empowering today’s dreamers, leaders and go-getters to create the life and career they want.


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