“Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance.”

~ Oprah Winfrey

How well do you appreciate the moments in your day? When life gets crazy it’s even more important to #CarpeFreakinDiem and appreciate the things in your life that matter the most.

What big, medium or microscopic wins are you seizing today?

In this week’s Success-Energy Lab I ask you to share your Carpe Freakin’ Diem moments  as a reminder to appreciate the great stuff going on in your life right now.

Watch the ‘short and sweet’ video below or read the transcript that follows, and then share your Carpe Freakin Diem moments with me on my IG or Facebook page (use #CarpeFreakinDiem)

Hey, Michelle Cederberg here coming to you from a hotel in Saskatoon, about to drive to Regina. I’m on the road for the next two weeks working with fabulous clients all over the country, so I thought, maybe today I will film my weekly message from my hotel room.

And as it turns out, as I’m filming this, it’s September 11th, and that day is forever in our memories because of the 9/11 tragedies that happened in New York and all over the United States in 2001. And it’s a good reminder about appreciating every day.

Today when I was presenting, I was talking about work-life balance, and I shared a message with my audience around Carpe Freakin’ Diem … seize the freakin’ day. We’re not promised tomorrow, so I think every single day it’s a real gift to be able to get up and say, “How am I going to make an impact today for myself, and for the people that matter most to me?”

It doesn’t have to be a great big thing. It could be small steps towards being a better person to your spouse, to be better to your kids, to be more patient with your coworkers, to be a little more kind to yourself (getting exercise, making sure you get some sleep, eating something healthy, breathing in fresh air…) Carpe Freakin’ Diem!

I’m not talking about changing the world, – although if you’re on that path, that’s a good thing – I’m talking about what’s one small think you can do today to make the world a better place, to make your world better for you?

I’m on the road and I miss my husband and my dog terribly. I’m not back for a couple of weeks, but I love what I do and so I sit in gratitude with that. I sit in gratitude with being able to do the things that I love, that I think are making a difference.

How about you? I want you to share your Carpe Freakin’ Diem moments with me today and for the rest of the week, and tag me on my Instagram at @cederbergspeaks or my Facebook Page and let’s have some fun with this. What are your Carpe Freakin’ Diem moments today (and every day this week) that are making a difference for you?

Until next time, I’m Michelle Cederberg reminding you, it’s your life. Dare to live it big!

Don’t forget to subscribe to get more messages, check out my Facebook, and share this message with somebody who needs a good dose of Carpe Freakin’ Diem love. You rock!

Michelle Cederberg, CSP, MKin, BA Psyc

Empowering today’s dreamers, leaders and go-getters to create the life and career they want.


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