“Try a thing you haven’t done three times. Once, to get over the fear of doing it. Twice, to learn how to do it. And a third time, to figure out whether you like it or not.”

~ Virgil Garnett Thomson

Don’t throw in the towel so soon.

As stubborn adults we want to be good at new things right away. And when that doesn’t happen we give up, and eventually we stop trying new things, telling ourselves “I don’t have time for the learning curve.”  How many growth opportunities are you passing by in the process? Be patient. Try something new even if you suck at it. It won’t always be that way.

First time jitters give way to some level of confidence. Keep at it and gain skill and awareness. Only then will you be equipped to decide if you wish to continue. You may or you may not. There will be learning either way. Three times lucky baby!

This Energy TV video is from last summer but the message is still relevant today. It’s summer…unplug…even for awhile.

High-performers exist at every level of your organization, so what are you doing to tap into your team and unleash their energy?

When you embrace the energy habits of high-performing people you show up as a leader and strive for success in all you do. You take on bigger challenges, and better manage stress. You find ways to take care of your energy – mind, body and spirit – no matter what is coming at you. You feel great about yourself and your capabilities. What’s possible from there?

Contact Michelle to learn more about keynotes and workshops that will help you do just that.