“A good half of the art of living is resilience.”

~ Alain de Botton

It’s been a long year, with almost all of it focused on COVID-19 and how we’ll get through it. I don’t know about you, but I thought it wouldn’t take so long, and this week I hit a breaking point. I’m officially done with this damn pandemic!

Only thing is, the pandemic isn’t yet done with us. So what are we to do? It starts with staying vigilant with COVID protocols, but there’s something else…resilience.

In this week’s post I provide a perspective shift that every one of us needs to consider, and it’s a good one.

Watch the video below for my thoughts…or read the blog and let me know what you’re doing to keep going.

I’m not going to lie, I woke up yesterday morning and the first thought I had as I lay in bed contemplating my day was, “I’m officially done with this damn pandemic.” It’s a hell of a mindset to start the day with, but there you go, and I bet a lot of you are feeling the same way.

Hey, Michelle Cederberg here, with an idea or two about navigating Covid-uncertainty and staying the course despite having no clue where it’s taking us.

You’d think after almost 10 months of pandemic-navigation we’d all be used to the highs and lows, so why aren’t we?

Well, it’s because COVID keeps moving the darn finish line, and that uncertainty is messing with our mojo.

It’s like running a race that never ends…and we don’t know how to pace ourselves to ensure we have enough reserves to actually finish the race. Are you feeling me?

Back in March we knew we could manage a few weeks of self-isolation, but then closures extended from weeks to months. We readjusted our expectations through the summer thinking, “It’ll be over by fall. I can do this.” Then autumn chill sent us indoors, people got lazy with protocols, numbers started rising again, and the finish line moved with it. AGAIN.

Now with winter setting in, and restrictions messing with our holiday plans it’s hard to imagine we’ll catch sight of that finish line until…well…God knows when!?

So yeah, I’m officially done with the damn pandemic, but the truth is, the pandemic isn’t done with us. So, what do we do?

First off, keep being vigilant with your covid protocols. Yup, I’ve got pandemic fatigue too, but now is not the time to drop our guard. Keep physical distancing, wear masks where it’s warranted, wash your hands… I know you know the drill, so let’s do what needs to be done now so we can flatten that damn curve, hopefully for good.

Next, how about this; Try not to focus on the outcome of this pandemic, because you have little control over that (beyond mask wearing and all that.) Instead, focus on the process of day-to-day life and the things you do have control over – your health, your work, your family, the little things that bring you joy…

In other words, quit asking yourself, “When will we reach the damn finish line?” and instead ask yourself, “What will help me keep going?” 

We’re in the last stages of a very long race and we still can’t see the end, so right now it’s all about PACING. Slow down and figure out what will help you keep going.

Commit small, daily acts of kindness to yourself to strengthen your resolve and staying power.

The what might include daily exercise, getting outside more often, getting more sleep, drinking better wine (and drinking less of it 😉), doing more of the things you love instead of working all the time, meditating, watching comedy, setting up your Christmas tree early (I know some of you already have!,) or saving for the best post-pandemic holiday ever.

The finish line will eventually appear, and when it does, you’ll need energy in the tank to bust over it like the COVID-crushing Olympian you are. We can do this people, gold medals for everyone!

I’d like to know: What strategies have you embraced to help you keep going? Share your ideas below!

And don’t forget to subscribe to my socials below, plus like and share this post.

Until next time I’m Michelle Cederberg reminding you, you’ve got one chance to do this life. I say Dare to Live It Big and dare to find a pace that will allow you keep going with health and positivity as your drivers.

Pick up a copy of The Success-Energy Equation: How to Regain Focus, Recharge Your Life, and Really Get Sh!t Done (available on Amazon or for a signed copy at successenergybook.com).

Turns out it’s an accidental pandemic survival guide that will help you focus on what’s truly important for you in work and life …global health crises or not.



It may be awhile until we can all gather safely in large groups, but that doesn’t mean your team doesn’t still need training, education and even inspiration. I’ve set up a home studio, and have been providing online sessions since April that are tech-sound, fun and interactive!

If your organization needs a break from the work-from-home routine to learn how to boost resilience, work-life balance and productivity, reach out to chat about my engaging online sessions!


Michelle Cederberg, CSP, MKin, BA Psyc

Empowering today’s dreamers, leaders and go-getters to create the life and career they want.


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