What’s new with me, plus two questions to ask yourself today.
Here we are at the start of another year. Hopefully your holidays energized you and you’re ready to make an impact with work, life, and all you do that’s important to you.

Ending the Year with Grace and Gratitude
The holidays are upon us, and depending on what’s happening in your life at the moment, that can mean a whole lot of different things. I hope you’re feeling the blessings of the season, but if you’re not, and if stress is mounting, you are not alone.

Taking a break, changing things up, and celebrating wins along the way.
The last few weeks have been a bit chaotic in my world, to say the least. Between a busy work schedule, a new knee for my hubby, and well, just a busy life in general, I have been pulled in multiple directions. So I chose to pause my weekly messages to allow for a bit of a reset.

What IS The Strong Side of Stress? (and how can you benefit from it?)
When it comes to managing stress, we often overlook the importance of how we think about stress, and I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately.

Success Can Happen in Small Steps
I love the fresh-start-feeling that comes with the change from summer to fall. It’s a great time to reconnect to goals, and establish a plan for personal and professional betterment. What could that look like for you?

How to Future Proof Your Teams
If you’re focused on success, whether that is technology, innovation, whatever is driving your business, you’re still going to need great people to implement your strategies.

How to Find Strength in the Struggle
There’s much to be learned from stepping outside your comfort zone to do things that are hard. I recently completed one such hard thing that involved my mountain bike, my husband, and the wide open spaces of the Scottish Highlands.

Four factors that drive success
The toughest part of success is figuring out what’s “right” … and that’s why, when we’re driving the path to success, a bit of structure goes a long way.