“Celebrate each accomplishment on the way to reaching your goal. Each challenge conquered, whether large or small is a positive step to greatness.”

~ Robert Cheeke

I’ve got a confession to make. I’m not always good at celebrating my successes. I cross the finish line on a big goal and tell myself, “Well, it’s only a big deal to me, so why share it with others?”

Well, this week I’m changing all that, because something awesome happened that I’m super excited about! In this short video I share that very exciting announcement (for me), a humble request (for both of us), and a year-end exercise (for you).

Watch below, or read the transcript that follows, and let’s hit 2024 with a bigger vision for success.

Hey, Michelle Cederberg here jumping off my usual health and productivity script to share some very exciting news!

An Exciting Announcement!

Last week at my annual speakers convention in Quebec City, I was honored to be inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame. It is the highest award in our industry and recognizes longevity and success in the business,  top skills as a speaker, along with contribution and service to our industry and association.

I’m really not one to toot my own horn, but as only one of 43 inductees, this one means a lot. For ME, it’s the pride of being recognized by my peers, and knowing that the hard work I’ve put into my speaking and my business over the last 21 years has not gone unnoticed.

For YOU it means that if you hire me to keynote your event, you can be assured a positive, professional, expertly delivered experience. I’d like to think I’ve delivered positivity and professionalism for most of my career, but if you need reassurance, here it is, and the award is taking prime real estate in my office.

So… normally these messages are full of tips and support for you, to subdue stress, ignite high performance, and drive success. Today, I’ve shifted gears for a few reasons.

First, I truly believe that it is important to celebrate the wins in our lives, and I realized in preparing for this video, that I’m not good at it. I’d rather make it about YOU! But I’m super proud of this accomplishment, and because so many of you helped get me to this point, I wanted to say THANK YOU.

If you were one of the people who hired me over the years, or if you were in one of the hundreds of audiences I’ve spoken for over the years, you’re a part of making this happen for me. You all rock!

And, a special thanks to a few of my very recent clients who wrote testimonial letters on my behalf! It worked!

A Humble Request

I’m also sharing this because some of you may not even know that my full time work is as a professional speaker. I launched my business way back in 2006, and through keynotes, workshops, and coaching, I make it my mission to energize people and organizations to ignite their best performance and productivity. I speak about stress management, work life balance, and health for high performance with engaging, guilt-free, strategy-filled topics to help you work and lead with energy and confidence, and create the life and career you want.

If you want to learn more about what that could look like for your event or organization in the year ahead, reach out to me at hello@michellecederberg.com.

And, if you’ve hired me in the way-back-whens and want to learn what’s new (and there’s A LOT that’s new), I want to hear from you too. Email me, and I’ll send you my promo kit and session information, no strings attached. But wouldn’t it be fun to work together again!

A Year-End Exercise for You

And now, this one IS for you… As you look back on 2023, what are YOU celebrating? What accomplishments are you proud of? I really want you to think about this one and write down everything that comes to mind – small, medium, or epic! Even the small wins matter!

You better believe my Hall of Fame award is on my list (epic,) but I’m also proud of the work I’ve done to streamline and strengthen my work systems behind the scenes. It’s a medium win, and not a task I loved, but so important for my business growth.

I’m also celebrating another year of crushing regular weight training sessions with my trainer. That ‘smallish’ accomplishment has been a game changer for my health and mobility, not to mention my confidence. There are more, but you get the idea. Small, medium, EPIC!

YOUR TURN? What are your wins? Write them down, share them in the comments if you like (I’d love to celebrate with you) and use them as a springboard to your next exciting things ahead. I’m sure of it!

Until January, I’m  Hall of Fame Speaker Michelle Cederberg (don’t worry, this won’t be a weekly thing), reminding you that if you want to Ignite High Performance, you have to celebrate the current successes in your life as the building blocks for growth that they are.

Merry Christmas, and best of the season however you spend it, and of course HAPPY, HAPPY New Year.

Don’t forget to join me on Instagram or subscribe to my YouTube so you don’t miss a video! Oh, and I’m now on Tiktok!?

And if you’d like to bring me in to your organization to talk stress management, resilience, and how to ignite high performance in your team, pop me an email at hello@michellecederberg.com. I’d love to chat.

Resources Galore!

Hey, I’m super excited to share a great product that I can’t wait for you all to see. It’s my new Success-Energy Equation mouse pad. Remember the equation? Some of you have seen it. Links to purchase are below. SO FUN!

Buy single mousepad
Buy 5 mousepad value-pack

Don’t forget to check out my new ‘What’s Your Motivation Type?’ QUIZ!  Scan the QR code or click the link and answer 5 quick questions to identify your Motivation Type. It’s going to give you daily doses of inspiration based on your category, and you’ll get all sorts of resources along the way.

‘What’s your Motivation Type?’

SPEAKING: Does your workplace or conference need a good dose of re-energizing in the months ahead? Ask me about energizing keynotes, or half and full day Success-Energy Equation sessions (or any of my other topics, which you can download here: MichelleSPEAKS) to help you fire up your drive, recommit to growth, and ignite high performance in all you do. Contact me to chat.


→ Buy my new book via my website and I’ll send you a signed copy!

→ Don’t forget to sign up for my new ‘What’s Your Motivation Type?’ QUIZ!  Click the link. It’s free, it’s fun, and it’s full of motivation and inspiration to drive your next steps!

→ Sign up for my socials below, because there’s all sorts of interesting stuff coming down the pipe.


Michelle CederbergHigh Performance Optimizer, Hall of Fame Speaker, Coach & Author


Energizing people and organizations to ignite their best performance and productivity

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